Work From Home Parents Pt 2: Be Silly!


As a nanny providing temporary childcare, you don't always have the opportunity to build rapport with kids over a long period of time. And, let's face it, some kids are slow to warm! The best way to win them over is to be your silliest, most playful self!

Consider getting back to basics, and pulling out a few classics.


Peek-a-boo works like a charm! You can use your hands, a favorite stuffed animal, a blanket, or even hide behind a piece of furniture, then popping out will delight any baby.

You can make up cause-and-effect games! Press on your nose and make a silly sound, then see if the baby wants to try it on you. You are sure to get a giggle! Or, put a favorite toy under a blanket and say, "Where did it go?", then pull the blanket off to reveal the toy. Baby will want you to do it over and over!

Toddlers & Preschoolers

Speaking of being silly, toddlers and preschoolers will focus on you, and not go running to mommy or daddy, if you can get them laughing. It's also very helpful in building trust. If they have a good time with you, they'll forget about everything else!

Are you an expert animal noise maker? How about singing Old MacDonald Had a Farm, and belt out your best piggy sound? Or, pretend you are on a safari and spot animals like lions and elephants! They will giggle their way through the "desert", and hopefully make some silly animal sounds of their own!

This age group loves to find things! Try taking a toy, or even an object like a favorite rock or seashell, and hiding it (in plain sight, like on a windowsill), and challenging your charge to find it. If they are having trouble, you can offer hints like, "I wonder if it likes to look out of the window?".

Big Kids

Let's face it, getting into the good graces of elementary school-aged kids is no easy task. A great icebreaker is spouting off a few silly jokes! You can tell your own, or take a few from this list.

The "Can You..." game is sure to be a hit with big kids. If you have a trick up your sleeve, like wiggling your ears or rolling your tongue, challenge the kids to a contest of "Can You". "I can wiggle my ears! See? Can you?" They'll love seeing the crazy stuff you come up with, and they will want to show off a few tricks of their own, too!

Get back to basics with a good old-fashioned thumb war, or hot hands. How about a game of I Spy?

Whatever activities you choose, if you keep it silly, kids will warm up faster, and not want to miss all the fun by checking in with their parents all day!