Tips for the Work from Home Parent


Because of the growing opportunities that technology has offered, a lot more parents are working from home. It is simply easier and sometimes more efficient to do work from home online than to be in an office all day. It seems like a win-win situation due to no more early morning commutes as well as the opportunity to spend more time with your family or work around the house. However, working from home is not as picture-perfect as some would assume. When your home becomes your office, it can sometimes feel like there are even fewer hours in the day to accomplish the impossible. 

Being able to spend more time with your kids as a work-from-home parent is lovely until you can no longer get as much done as you had hoped. Therefore, this week's blog is dedicated to those hard-working parents maintaining both their careers and households. We are hoping to equip you with a couple of tips when it comes to working from home while the kids are around!


I think it goes for everyone when we say we all need a nice neat space to be our most productive. At the same time... can we all agree that toys scattered all over the floor can be a little *distracting?* Therefore, having a designated work space will make those workdays a million times better. I'm sure your days are divided into parent time and work time, so why spend your work time cleaning up from parent time? Having a designated space that you keep clean and organized (a.k.a no kids allowed zone) will let you jump right into your work instead of spending 45 minutes searching for your desk underneath all the glitter, pipe cleaners and whatever else! If you have a nanny, create a separate space for her to play with the kids - even if it is on the other side of the house. That way you can close your office door and focus on what needs to get done.


Plan your weeks! Seems like too easy of a fix but trust me, it does wonders. At the beginning of each week, create a few different lists. One for the household, one for your work tasks, and one for weekly appointments & important due dates. Then begin to divide up each task for each day of the week. It is best to assign your critical due dates to the beginning of the week just in case you don't have time on Monday; you'll have four more days to accomplish it. Making you feel more organized, you are less likely to miss something important. 


After making your schedule for the week, you'll have a general idea as to what days are busier than others. This will allow you to plan and prepare accordingly by either prepping dinner the night before or packing lunches the night before. Planning will help you be prepared for the unexpected. Meal prepping is a great option when you're working long hours throughout the week. That way, even if you were too busy to cook a meal, you still have a nutritious meal that will give you the energy you need to get up for another action-packed day! 


It is just as essential to make sure you are taking care of yourself during this time. Don't forget to slow down each week and take time for yourself to relax and recharge. As working parents, it is hard to find a break in-between the day-to-day demands of parenthood and the corporate world. Taking time to take care of yourself is just as important as any other task on your daily to-do list. Don't forget to eat lunch, take 30 minutes out of your day to stretch, go on a quick walk, and read a book. Like we have heard a million times from our friendly flight attendants *oxygen goes on YOU first so that you can help put oxygen on your loved ones* You want the best for your kids and your job, and you can only provide the best if you're performing your best - which means taking care of YOU!