Cozi App - Get Your Family in Sync


Having a family often means that life can be a bit chaotic. It's hard to stay on top of a busy family schedule let alone grocery shopping or managing a to-do list. Keeping track of all the big and little things that comprise your life can seem overwhelming at times. While there are several different ways to try to stay organized, the proliferation of smartphones has provided some unique solutions in the form of apps. Continue on to read about the Cozi app and all that it can do to help you and your family get on the same page.

Family Calendar

The family calendar is an important organizational tool for many busy families, but most of the time, it is a paper calendar that is located in one place at the family’s home. Unfortunately, this does you no good when you need to schedule a play date, and you’re out running errands. The Cozi app provides a way to keep all of this information in one place that is instantly accessible no matter where you are. All entries are color-coded, so you know what items on the calendar belong to which family member. There are even options for sorting and filtering the schedule, so you only see the things you need.

Life Management

Now that your family calendar is squared away, what about some of the other things that require managing? The Cozi app has tools to allow you to create and manage to-do lists that can be used for a variety of items such as organizing errands and bills that need to be paid or creating a list of your kid’s chores. The app can also be used to create shopping lists for birthdays, holidays, or even routine trips to the store. The app will even provide you with reminders of important events (child’s recital or big game) or items that need to be completed on your to-do list.

All Access with the Cozi App

One of the best features of the Cozi app is the ability for all of your family members to contribute to each of the tools as well as view them. This means that when the date for the big chemistry test is announced your kid can add it to the calendar. If your teenage daughter runs out of shampoo, they can make sure it gets included on the shopping list so you can pick it up when you go to the store. It also helps everyone in the family avoid scheduling conflicts or forgetting to take care of things.