Joanna's Nannies

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Nanny Appreciation Made Simple

In honor of National Nanny Recognition Week, we are giving parents four ways to show their nanny appreciation. We all know that working with children doesn’t come without challenges, but your nanny consistently answers the call. They show up day after day and continue to show love and compassion to your child. Being intentional about showing your nanny appreciation can go a long way in making those tough days easier. It can also strengthen the relationships that you and your children have with your nanny.

Say “Thank You.”

This method of nanny appreciation almost seems too easy but is regularly overlooked. Often after arriving home, we go from greeting everyone to immediately asking about how school or the kid’s day went. Before you know it, the nanny has walked out the door, and everyone carries on with their evening. We all know that you are thankful but sometimes hearing it out loud after a long day can be just what is needed to make a nanny feel appreciated.

Remembering Special Days and Dates

While gifts are always a nice way to show nanny appreciation, acknowledging your nanny’s birthday or Nanniversary (the date they started with your family) will undoubtedly make your nanny feel great. Having your child or children make a card or craft for your nanny in recognition of these days is even better. Bonus points for remembering a wedding anniversary or other important day in your nanny’s life.

Notice the Little Things

If your nanny does something above and beyond their typical duties, acknowledge that you’ve noticed and appreciate that he or she took the time to do a task that wasn’t required of them. Maybe they folded a load of towels in the dryer or remembered your anniversary and had the kids make a craft for you. Acknowledging the little things is a great way to show your nanny appreciation.

Honor your Contract

By sticking to your contract and honoring the agreed-upon terms, your nanny will know that you appreciate them. Be conscious that the tasks you assign to your nanny on a daily basis fall within his or her agreed-upon duties. If you need help with tasks that fall outside of the contracted duties, have a chat with your nanny about whether it is something they are willing and able to assist with and what level of additional compensation is appropriate.