Joanna's Nannies

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Fall is here

Fall is here!

 Ah, fall has arrived! All around us, we can notice the change of season! Leave beginning to fall, days becoming a bit shorter and Halloween is just around the corner! Fall is a beautiful season and a great time to get your child involved in some festive activities! Choose one or all of these ideas for a guaranteed fall-filled day! 

  1. Find as many fallen leaves as you can and sort them by color. For older children, try to sort them by shape or type of leaf!

  2. Can you be a little squirrel? Using a basket or bag try to collect as many fallen acorns as you can from the ground. Help your child learn about why squirrels collect acorns and how they bury them in preparation for winter!

  3. Now is the time to find a pumpkin farm or apple orchard to spend a sunny afternoon in!

  4. Make a yummy treat! Together with your child find a recipe for a delicious apple pie. Help your child to follow the directions and bake a pie.

  5. Visit your local library and check out books about fall. You and your child will learn new facts about the time of year while engaging in books.

These fun fall activities will be fantastic memories your child will not soon forget!